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President, Deputy Presidents and Supreme State Auditors of the Court of Audit

The Court of Audit's management points to the inadmissible interference with independence and autonomy of the supreme state auditor

President of the Court of Audit Jana Ahčin in the letter of protest signed by both Deputy Presidents and all Supreme State Auditors as well as…

Photo of the President of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia, Jana Ahčin, during her speech at the jubilee conference marking the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Audit Institution of Croatia. In the background is a projection with the inscription: "We work, initiate change and contribute to the common good!" and the logo of the SAI of Croatia and the national coat of arms of Croatia.

President of the Court of Audit holding a speech at the 30th anniversary of the SAI Croatia

President of the Court of Audit Jana Ahčin attended a jubilee conference upon the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Croatia held…

Member of the European Court of Auditors, Jorg Kristijan Petrovič, MA, presents the European Court of Auditors' Annual Reports for 2023 to the President of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia, Jana Ahčin. Both are standing in front of the Slovenian and European flags and the coat of arms of the Republic of Slovenia.

Presentation of the European Court of Auditors' Annual reports concerning the 2023 financial year

Member of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) mag. Jorg Kristijan Petrovič met President of the Court of Audit Jana Ahčin on Monday, 11 November…

A group of participants, including the President of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia, Jana Ahčin, and the Supreme State Auditors Jerneja Vrabič and Helena Jenko, sit at a conference table at the headquarters of the Court of Audit in Ljubljana

Court of Audit hosted participants of the SIGMA workshop on report writing

On 8 November 2024, the Court of Audit at its headquarters hosted participants of the Workshop on Reporting Practices to Increase Impact – "Better…

Participants of the annual Contact Committee meeting are seated in the hall, following discussions on key topics such as migration policy and the independence of supreme audit institutions. Behind them, the flags of the countries are displayed.

Contact Committee meeting and High-level event on independence of the supreme audit institutions delivered by SAI Cyprus

Between 15 and 17 October 2024, the President of the Court of Audit Jana Ahčin attended two important events organised by SAI Cyprus at the forefront…

[Translate to English:] Udeleženci sedijo za mizo v obliki črke U na 22. letnem srečanju delovne skupine EUROSAI za okoljsko revidiranje v Bakuju, kjer razpravljajo o izzivih, povezanih z ekstremnimi vremenskimi dogodki. Za mizo so nameščene zastavice, ki označujejo sodelujoče države, medtem ko je ozadje okrašeno z logotipom EUROSAI in napisom dogodka v azerbajdžanščini in angleščini.

Extreme weather conditions main topic of EUROSAI WGEA annual meeting

Supreme audit institutions (SAI) of Azerbaijan and Poland, the latter heading the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA), hosted the…

Annual meeting of the EUROSAI WGMA with the stress on infrastructure challenges

From 4 to 6 October 2024, there was the annual meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on Municipality Audit (WGMA) held in Tbilisi, organised by Supreme…

Court of Audit at the EUROSAI ITWG meeting on legal framework and auditing of AI systems

Supreme audit institutions (SAI) of Norway and Estonia, the latter heading the EUROSAI Working Group on Information Technologies (ITWG), hosted the…

[Translate to English:] Skupinska fotografija generalnege revizorja za Wales Adriana Cromptona in predsednice računskega sodišča Jane Ahčin pred slovensko in evropsko zastavo ter slovenskim grbom

President of the Court of Audit received a visit by the Auditor General for Wales

The President of the Court of Audit Jana Ahčin welcomed the Auditor General for Wales, Adrian Crompton, during his visit to Ljubljana on…

President of the SAI of the Czech Republic Miloslav Kala and President of the Audit Court Jana Ahčin in front of the flags of the Czech Republic, Slovenia and the European Union

The President of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia received an official visit by the President of the SAI Czech Republic, Miloslav Kala

Between 1 and 3 September 2024, the President of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia, Jana Ahčin, welcomed the President of the Supreme…