Media information
We will be happy to provide you with answers to your questions referring to the fields of work of the Court of Audit.
With various forms of activities, such as promptly responding to written and oral questions of journalists, preparation of the latest news of events, overview of the phases of audits in progress, archive of published audit reports, publishing important documents, other projects and answers to frequently asked questions, we want to create the best possible working conditions for the journalists and editors observing the work of the Court of Audit.
To better understand organisation and work of the Court of Audit, see the section fields of work with descriptions of powers and responsibilities of audit departments.
Public nature of work
Public nature of work of the Court of Audit is secured by:
- a work report each year submitted to the National Assembly;
- issuing audit and post-audit reports, as well as presenting specific stages of audit procedures;
- publishing important opinions on issues within the Court’s powers;
- providing timely and accurate information and notices pertaining to the Court’s fields of work;
- organizing press conferences and issuing press releases;
- announcing events and activities (at national and international level);
- publishing various contents on websites, social media and in different publications.
How can citizens participate in our work?
When defining the Annual programme of work, the Court of Audit considers also the initiatives received from natural persons as well as anonymous initiatives. More about initiatives for audit >
Information, explanations and other data are provided by the President of the Court of Audit, both Deputy Presidents and Supreme State Auditors or, with special authorisation from the President, also by other employees of the Court of Audit.
The Court of Audit ensures the public nature of its work in accordance with the Court of Audit Act, the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Audit, the Media Act and the Public Information Access Act.