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International Fraud Awareness Week: Professional and public control over possible occurrence of fraud

Within the International Fraud Awareness Week 2021 in the organisation of the project partners the Ministry of Public Administration, the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption of the Republic of Slovenia and the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia there was an online event Professional and public control over possible occurrence of fraud where the importance of transparency and control in preventing fraud was highlighted.

The participants of the event were addressed by the heads of the three bodies which in the frame of their authorities implement different preventive and control activities, i.e. Minister for Public Administration Boštjan Koritnik, President of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption dr. Robert Šumi and President of the Court of Audit Tomaž Vesel.

Representatives of the participating bodies highlighted different tools for providing transparency of public sector operations and the control over public institutes and companies. Transparent and open operations ensure the public to monitor work of the public bodies, to impact the work of bodies by cooperating in the decision-making procedures as well as to urge the decision-makers to accept their responsibilities.

The Court of Audit is an independent state authority that controls the use of public funds and tries to ensure greater efficiency of supervisory institutions in combating fraud what undoubtedly has a preventive effect. The President of the Court of Audit Tomaž Vesel expressed his satisfaction for the successful multiannual cooperation within the project International Fraud Awareness Week. Also, in this way cooperation is strengthened among authorities which are responsible for or have the power to affect the prosecution of criminal offences, can analyse risks and respond appropriately. The Court of Audit focused in its presentations on two fields of public sector operations, namely the fields of managing public institutes and companies with the majority ownership held by the State and local-self governments, which were presented by Supreme State Auditors Nataša Musar Mišeljić and mag. Maja Bilbija.

Presentantions of the Court of Audit

President of the Court of Audit Tomaž Vesel stressed that the impact and risks related to fraud and corruption move from the narrow State administration towards the two mentioned fields which are slightly less strictly regulated. In some cases it was noticed that the tendency of their establishing is partially related to the ambition of by-passing and also to the state policy of payment system in the public sector. The Court of Audit established that it is extremely difficult to continuously exercise control over them, thus it will be necessary to develop some additional tools with further control function of the State and founders.