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Meeting of the Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) in Bratislava

The 16th Annual Meeting of the Working Group on Environmental Auditing was held in Bratislava, Slovakia. The key topic of the meeting was focused on different aspects of auditing climate change. Namely, reducing factors causing climate change as well as ability and readiness of adjusting to environmental changes. Within the meeting framework, there was a training seminar on climate change related data, i.e. obtaining high quality and independent data on effects of climate change on the environment and society. The meeting was attended by 29 SAIs and 7 other organisations, among them the European Commission, the OECD and the European Environment Agency.        
Two representatives of the Court of Audit actively participated in discussions and coordinated a discussion group on possible topics of the environmental audits after 2020. Next followed the debate about increasing the effects of the environmental audits. Our institution presented its achievements in this field and also visualisations of the environmental audit reports that could serve as a positive example to other SAIs.

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