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Key findings of the OECD: Digital Government Review of Slovenia

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) prepared a thorough review of the digital public administration of the Republic of Slovenia. On Friday, 10 July 2020, Information Society and Informatics Directorate at the Ministry of Public Administration in cooperation with the OECD organised a specific webinar which was attended by the Court of Audit. Key findings from the published document shall be in detail and with in-depth analyses set forth in the OECD final report in spring 2021.

Supreme State Auditor, dr. Miroslav Kranjc, among the participants of the webinar.

The OECD overall review of the digital public administration in Slovenia focused on four main aspects: coordination and administration, digital competences, development and fostering services and data management. In its key findings the OECD stressed that Slovenia made progress towards the development of the digital public administration, nevertheless it should improve the coordination, vision and analytical approach and needs to strongly support the digital transformation. The comparative advantages of Slovenia in meeting agile project management and rapid adjustments benefit from its small size and general enthusiasm for the digitalisation.

This document shall serve as an assistance in forming future strategic documents in the field of digitalisation, by promoting unification of the development ways, plans and activities as well as clearly defined objectives in the further digitalisation process. In line with the established best practice and the OECD recommendations Slovenia should involve the digital ecosystem of stakeholders in the process of preparing forthcoming documents and action plans.

The document is available at:
OECD Digital Government Review of Slovenia - Key Findings