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Extreme weather conditions main topic of EUROSAI WGEA annual meeting

Supreme audit institutions (SAI) of Azerbaijan and Poland, the latter heading the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA), hosted the working group’s 22th annual meeting on 3 and 4 October in Baku, with the SAI Slovenia being among active participants. This year’s meeting was dedicated to extreme weather events and preparedness strategies in case of meteorological and geophysical hazards, including thereto related activities of prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. During the event, several workshops were held, opening a discussion on how to manage risks and use data on droughts, forest fire, floods, mapping in case of emergency and exposure of the citizens.

Participants sit at a U-shaped table at the 22nd annual meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing in Baku to discuss challenges related to extreme weather events. Flags marking the participating countries are placed behind the table, while the background is decorated with the EUROSAI logo and the inscription of the event in Azerbaijani and English

The meeting was attended by 72 representatives from 32 supreme audit institutions who shared their experience in auditing of managing extreme weather events, such as fire in the natural environment, floods and desertification. The participants of the WGEA meeting on behalf of the Court of Audit were Ms Tina Kristan and Mr Igor Vošnjak who gave a presentation on the audit on flood risk reduction.

Group photo of representatives from various SAIs attending the 22nd Annual Meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing. In the photo, they are standing in front of a billboard with the inscription of the event and the EUROSAI logo, and the event was hosted by VRI Azerbaijan and VRI Poland in Baku.