An expert meeting among the representatives of the SAIs Hungary, Slovak Republic and Slovenia was held between 26 and 28 February 2024 in Budapest. The key topic of the meeting addressed auditing of political parties and election campaigns, whereby the participants exchanged experiences related to the implementation of those audits.
Supreme State Auditor Jerneja Vrabič and Deputy Supreme State Auditor mag. Maša Železnik presented auditing of the political parties and election campaigns in the Republic of Slovenia, including the challenges and opportunities affecting the future implementation of audits in the concerned field.
On this occasion, the President of the Court of Audit Jana Ahčin met the President of SAI Hungary dr. Lászlo Windisch and the President of SAI Slovak Republic Ľubomír Andrassy with the aim of exchanging information on specific arrangements of financing political parties and election campaigns. Discussions also centred on results of the implemented audits.