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Presenting Annual Report 2022 of the Court of Audit to the National Assembly and the National Council

On 8 June 2023, the deputies of the National Assembly discussed the Annual Report of the Court of Audit for 2022 at the 10th session of the Commission for Public Finance Control. The Annual Report was presented by the Second Deputy President mag. Mojca Planinšek and the President of the Court of Audit Jana Ahčin. The President of the Court of Audit upon the issue of the Annual Report 2022 pointed out that despite the changes in management in the past year the Court of Audit maintained the right direction and implemented many interesting and important audits.

President of the Court of Audit presenting Annual Report of the Court of Audit for 2022 at the National Assembly (Photo: National Assembly/Matija Sušnik)

At the meeting of the Commission for Public Finance Control the President and the Second Deputy President in addition to the Annual Report highlighted regularity audits of financing election campaigns and the audit report referring to housing policy implementation. During the discussion they answered questions posed by deputies. Members of the National Council deliberated the Annual Report of the Court of Audit 2022 at the 4th regular session of the Commission for Economy, Crafts, Tourism and Finance which took place on 26 April 2023. The President of the Court of Audit emphasised key powers and responsibilities of the Court of Audit, namely auditing, counselling, education and issuing audit standards. She touched upon the financial independence, which is under the formal procedures, and mandatory audits and tasks that must be implemented by the Court of Audit on the basis of other acts. During the discussion she answered questions related to audits of election campaigns and financing political parties as well as about demands to submit response reports.

In the National Assembly as well as in the National Council the President of the Court of Audit Jana Ahčin expressed a wish for closer cooperation among the institutions, also in the form of presentations or discussions of specific audit reports.

In the year 2022, the Court of Audit addressed in its audits many important issues, the President Mrs Ahčin assured that she and her colleagues will continue to pursue the objective that the Court of Audit shall in future perform its work independently and professionally when auditing operations of the users of public funds, as well as through its advisory role, thus adding value to more regular and efficient use of public funds. The guiding principle in all future activities of the institution will be independence, objectivity and efficiency of the Court of Audit.

Key results – infographic
Annual Report 2022