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Official Visit to SAI in Poland

President of the Court of Audit Igor Šoltes and supreme state auditor Samo Jereb attended the official visit of the Supreme Chamber of Control in Warszaw, Poland at the invitation of the president Jacek Jezierski.

During the visit Mr Šoltes and Mr Jereb were presented the legal framework and structure of the Polish Supreme Chamber of Control and also its budget. The president of the Supreme Chamber heads the institution and is responsible for its activity before the Polish Parliament (Sejm). The president is appointed by the Sejm with the approval of the Senate for the term of six years. The subsequent re-election is allowed only once.

A part of the visit took place in Supreme Chamber´s Regional Branch in Krakow where the director of the Branch Mr Jan Dziadoń spoke about the importance of the 16 branches. In Warsaw the Polish party delivered presentations on the performance audit and on NIK environmental auditing.