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Annual report of the Court of Audit for 2022

President of the Court of Audit Jana Ahčin upon the issue of the Annual report 2022 pointed out that despite the changes in management in the past year the Court of Audit maintained the right direction and implemented many interesting and important audits. The audits implemented in 2022 addressed important fields, namely: state budget, local self-government, justice, state assets, health care, education, sports, culture, art, infrastructure, spatial planning, environment, information technology, political and social systems and science.

Therefore, 58 audit reports, 2 summary reports and 25 post-audit reports were issued. The audit reports reviewed 94 auditees whose total balance sheet of expenditure amounted to EUR 25.5 billion. In 2022, several proposals to amend or supplement acts or implementing regulations were made respectively certain risks were pointed out due to lack of clarity or not harmonised provisions of particular regulations. After the audit implementation 67 audit opinions were expressed and in 20 cases auditors demanded the submission of the response report.

Pertaining to the audits for which audit reports were issued in 2022, the users of public funds implemented 516 out of 596 implemented corrective measures already during the audit procedure in order to remedy the established irregularities/inefficiencies respectively to improve their operations in the future. Most of the users of public funds presented in their response reports that appropriate corrective measures for the elimination of disclosed irregularities respectively inefficiency, ineffectiveness or uneconomical operations have been taken. The Court of Audit proposed 255 recommendations to the users of public funds.

Following the publication of the Annual report, the President of the Court of Audit assured that she and her colleagues will continue to pursue the objective that the Court of Audit shall in future perform its work independently and professionally when auditing operations of the users of public funds, as well as through its advisory role, thus adding value to more regular and efficient use of public funds. The guiding principle in all future activities of the institution will be independence, objectivity and efficiency of the Court of Audit.

Annual Report 2022

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