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25th anniversary of the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic

President of the Court of Audit, Tomaž Vesel, attended the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic. The honourable spokesperson at the official occasion was President of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman, who stressed the great public confidence enjoyed by the SAIs compared to other state bodies. President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic, Miloslav Kala, summarised the achievements of the institution and thanked colleagues from other SAIs, specially mentioning good cooperation with the SAI Slovenia. At the end of the event, the participants were addressed by the President of the ECA, Klaus-Heiner Lehne. On this occasion, President Vesel and President of ECA discussed the next Contact Committee meeting of the SAIs that shall take place in Dubrovnik organised in close cooperation among colleagues from Slovenian, Croatian SAI and the ECA, in particular because President Vesel shall head the debate of the upcoming event. The result of the discussion were some realistic ideas about organisation and content of meetings of the EU SAIs in future.