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Conference of SAI Brazil and of the United Nations upon the start of the project ClimateScanner

Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Brazil in cooperation with the United Nations organised a conference upon the start of the project titled ClimateScanner Global Call: Engaging Supreme Audit Institutions in assessing national climate action.

Hall of the United Nations in New York, USA with participants of the event of the Supreme Audit Institution of Brazil and the United Nations at the launch of the Global Call for Climate Review project

The event took place between 25 and 26 March 2024 at the UN headquarters in New York and was attended by more than 200 representatives of SAIs, including SAI Slovenia, and other institutions from more than 70 countries. The conference, among others, addressed initiatives for the implementation of audits related to climate change under the coordination of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), activities for the assessment of climate change management and adaptation thereto, as well as design and effects of the tool for global assessment of national climate actions.

A group photo of the participants of the event in the hall at the UN headquarters in New York, where more than 200 representatives from 70 countries took part

The ClimateScanner tool was developed by SAI Brazil in cooperation with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) for the purpose of assessing national climate action. The tool shall enable the review of activities and actions taken by each country in combating climate change and in adapting to its effects. In this regards, the data for Slovenia shall be provided by the Court of Audit on the basis of the implemented audits. The results gathered by the tool will be presented at the 29th UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 29) in November 2024.

website of the ClimateScanner project