The key task of the Court of Audit is to review and control the operations of the public funds users. By auditing, it obtains appropriate and sufficient evidence to express an opinion on the operations of an auditee. After the completion of the audit it issues audit report that is submitted to the auditee and the National Assembly and is published on its web site.
The Court of Audit has a very prominent and active role within the international forums. Such constructive participation is considered an important element of development and strategy-driven approach of the institution, strengthening of cooperation with other supreme audit institutions, broadening of capacities and knowledge and promoting interests of the institution and its international recognition.
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In accordance with the Slovenian Constitution, the Court of Audit is the highest body for supervising state accounts, the state budget and all public spending in Slovenia. The Constitution further provides that the Court of Audit is independent in the performance of its duties and bound by the Constitution and law. The Court of Audit Act also defines that the acts with which Court of Audit exercises its powers of audit cannot be challenged before the courts or other state bodies.
Video presentation of key results