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Slovenska demokratska stranka


Address: Trstenjakova 8, 1000 Ljubljana

Type: Political Party
Region: Osrednjeslovenska
Description: SDS - Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije se je preimenovala v Slovensko demokratsko stranko.


Date of last change: 6. 7. 2023

Regularity audit of financing the election campaign for deputies in the elections to the National Assembly in 2022 at the election campaign organiser - SLOVENSKA DEMOKRATSKA STRANKA

Audit report: Regularity audit of financing the election campaign of the candidate list of the political party Slovenske demokratske stranke for the election of deputies to the National Assembly in 2022

Date of last change: 24. 2. 2023

Regularity audit of the political party Slovenska demokratska stranka

Audit report: Regularity audit of the political party Slovenska demokratska stranka in 2018

Date of last change: 8. 7. 2020

Regularity of financing the election campaign of the political list SLOVENSKA DEMOKRATSKA STRANKA – SDS IN SLS - SLOVENSKA LJUDSKA STRANKA for electing Slovenian Members to the European Parliament in the year 2019

Post-audit report: Corrective measures concerning the regularity audit of financing the election campaign of the political list Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS and SLS – Slovenska ljudska stranka for electing Slovenian Members to the European Parliament in 2019

Audit report: Regularity of financing the election campaign of the political list Slovenska demokratska stranka - SDS and SLS - Slovensk ljudska stranka for electing Slovenian Members to the European Parliament in the year 2019

Date of last change: 29. 4. 2020

Regularity audit of financing the election campaign for deputies in the early elections to the National Assembly in 2018 by the organizer of the election campaign – Slovenska demokratska stranka

Audit report: Regularity audit of financing the election campaign of the candidate list Slovenska demokratska stranka – SDS for deputies in the early elections to the National Assembly in 2018

Date of last change: 28. 3. 2019

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