Audit report: Proposal of the annual financial statement of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia for the year 2023
Ministry of Health
Address: Štefanova 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Post-audit report: Corrective measures concerning the audit of managing long-term sick leave
Audit report: Managing long-term sick leave
Post-audit report: Post-Corrective measures concerning the proposal of the annual financial statement of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia for the year 2022
Audit report: Proposal of the annual financial statement of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia for the year 2022
Audit report: Addressing digital technologies addiction of children and adolescents
Audit report: Regularity of paying bonuses due to COVID-19 epidemic
Post-audit report: Post-Corrective measures concerning the proposal of the annual financial statement of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia for the year 2021
Audit report: Proposal of the annual financial statement of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia for the year 2021
Post-audit report: Corrective measures concerning the audit of providing efficient entry of medical doctors to the labour market
Audit report: Enabling the efficient entry of medical doctors to the labour market
Post-audit report: Corrective measures concerning the audit of efficiency of arranging and distinguishing public service from other services of public institutes
Audit report: Efficiency of arranging and distinguishing public service from other services of public institutes
Post-audit report: Post-Corrective measures concerning the proposal of the annual financial statement of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia for the year 2020
Audit report: Proposal of the annual financial statement of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia for the year 2020
Post-audit report: Corrective measures concerning the audit of efficiency of purchasing protective and medical equipment for controlling the spread of SARS-CoV-2
Audit report: Efficiency of purchasing protective and medical equipment for controlling the spread of SARS-CoV-2