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Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia


Address: Vojkova 1b, 1000 Ljubljana

Type: Ministry and its bodies
Region: Osrednjeslovenska


System of managing the sewage sludge in the period from 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2022

Audit report: Efficiency of the sewage sludge treatment system, its monitoring and control over sewage sludge treatment

Date of last change: 4. 6. 2024

Efficiency of the intervention management system in the case of a sudden pollution of the Adriatic Sea

Post-audit report: Corrective measures concerning the audit of efficiency of the intervention management system in case of sudden pollution of the Adriatic Sea

Audit report: Intervention management system in the case of a sudden pollution of the Adriatic Sea

Date of last change: 5. 10. 2021

Efficiency of the use of European funds for flood protection

Audit report: Efficiency of the use of European funds for flood protection

Date of last change: 26. 3. 2015

Audit of the nature protection on the border area of Hungary, Slovenia and Austria

Audit report: Environmental Audit Report on the three-border area of Hungary, Slovenia and Austria

Date of last change: 15. 6. 2006

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Audit Archive

Audits in progress

Our auditors are currently working on 62 audits.

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