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SAI Poland organised a meeting on the Three Seas Initiative

Between 5 and 7 December 2023, the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Poland hosted a meeting of heads of Supreme Audit Institutions in Warsaw which was attended by the Second Deputy President mag. Mojca Planinšek.

Predstavnica računskega sodišča govori v mikrofon med razpravo, v ozadju ostali udeleženci konference.

The topic of the meeting was the role of the SAI related to the Three Seas Initiative (3SI).  Today, twelve states between the Baltic, the Adriatic and the Black Sea are members of the Three Seas Initiative, which promotes projects of strengthening regional integration in the fields of transport, energy and digitalisation where at least two member states cooperate. At the very beginning in 2016, also Slovenia joined the Initiative. In 2019, Slovenia hosted the meeting where several projects were presented among them also 5 Slovenian or with Slovenian contribution. In 2020, Slovenia via the Slovenian Investment Bank paid funds into the 3SI Investment Fund.

Skupinska fotografija nekaterih udeležencev konference.

SAIs have not yet carried out activities in the concerned field. Therefore, it is necessary to bear in mind that the projects shall differ greatly from those usually undertaken by the SAIs, because of the international cooperation and manner of financing where an important role is played by private funding. Possible audits of such projects open many issues and pose challenges. SAIs agree that close cooperation and sharing the experience are even more important in such circumstances.