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Engagement of the Court of Audit in the EUROSAI IT Working Group event

EUROSAI IT Working Group (ITWG) among others organises online events known as Virtual coffee break with a colleague, offering members of the working group to introduce to their colleagues from other Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) a certain expert topic, which is a subject matter of a discussion and the exchange of their views, experience and thereto related questions. The most recent event, which was held on 16 February 2024, was participated by our auditors Alenka Blas and Ruti Rous as speakers, presenting the European strategy for data, developments in the field of data management framework, with the emphasis on the Data Governance Act, the Digital Markets Act, the Digital Services Act, the Data Act and the proposed Artificial Intelligence Act and the Interoperable Europe Act.

The event hosted more than 30 participants from different SAIs who opened an in-depth discussion about potential effect of the aforementioned legal acts on future work of SAIs and about possibilities of mutual cooperation in further consideration of the addressed issues.

Excerpt from the presentation