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Annual Report 2019 of the Court of Audit

The mission of the Court of Audit is to inform the public and the National Assembly about important findings from the audits of operations of the users of public funds in a timely and objective manner and, based on its experience and knowledge of good practices, to provide advice to the users of public funds on how to improve their operations.

The Court of Audit followed this mission also last year when it published 62 audit reports and 23 post-audit reports. Whereby it reviewed 112 auditees and thus expressed 85 opinions. Audit reports usually attract the attention of the public, in particular the Court of Audit received great publicity in the media by presenting its findings on critical lack of legal framework related to long-term care systems for older people. The visibility and the importance of the work done by the Court of Audit is reconfirmed also because it received 395 initiatives to implement audits last year. Within the advisory role of the Court of Audit 123 written responses were prepared providing guidelines to the public funds users, thereby the Court of Audit undoubtedly preventively affects the management of public funds.

In 2019, the Court of Audit pointed out several cases of legal and systemic ambiguities that were disclosed during the implementation of its authorities, furthermore it stressed the need to amend Court of Audit Act. Proposal of the act that is at the moment being discussed at the National Assembly gives more opportunities for quicker responses, better access to needed data and information, work to be performed more economically and efficiently and moreover extends the list of entities that can be audited by the Court of Audit.

Key Results
Annual Report 2019

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