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Court of Audit at the international seminar on financial reporting in the public sector

On 20 February 2020, the third seminar on financial reporting in the public sector in the EU member states, organised by SAI Netherlands in cooperation with SAI Austria, took place in Vienna. SAI Slovenia was also among the participants of this seminar which addressed current and expected developments in the field of public sector accounting standards – IPSAS and EPSAS and examined actual and potential utilisation of information on accrual information for decision-making.

The attendees from different European SAIs and other participants had the opportunity to exchange information, views and ideas on the development and plans on financial reporting in the public sector in the EU member states. Pointed out was also the importance of cooperation among EU member states to improve the quality of information for taking better-informed decisions in the field of public finance and to intensify existing efforts regarding further consolidation and harmonisation of financial planning and reporting in the public sector.

Photo: Participants of the seminar on financial reporting in the public sector